Friday, November 7, 2008

Orange County LeTip members give back in the Phillipines.

Dear Fellow LeTippers,

Seth and I are heading to the Philippines this December and we are so excited! We are working with Far East Broadcasting Company and International Needs to distribute food and gifts to hundreds of families and children living in dump sites. We are also going to help doctors and nurses as they offer free medical services. Seth & I will have the opportunity to train adults in basic Microsoft Office applications to help them develop skills. We will be very busy!

We ask for your prayers and support as we prepare for this trip. We are leaving on November 29 and coming back home on December 15. If you wish to support our trip please contact us. You can donate your products and/or services which we will auction during our concert fundraising event on November 15th. This is a great opportunity to promote your business with hundreds expected to attend. The Connection is a non-profit organization and your donations are tax deductible.

We are looking forward to sharing with you our experience and some photos when we get back! Your referrals help us in doing things such as this. Thank you very much!

You can reach Seth & Rownena Kamlet at the following!!!
Rowena's Email
Seth's Email:
(949) 309-7329
(949) 633-0790

1 comment:

  1. I hope the hotel certificate raised some funds for you. God bless you and keep you safe on your trip.
