Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Small Business Websites and SEO

Thank you to Jim Gross, our Orange County printer, who sent this article from PRINT SOLUTIONS WEEKLY. The article was written FEB. 18, 2009, NOT 5 years ago. Seriously?

Small Businesses' Online Disconnect

While 63 percent of small business owners turn first to the internet for information about local companies and 82 percent use search engines to do so, only 44 percent of small businesses have a website and half spend less than 10 percent of their marketing budgets online, according to a recent survey by Webvisible and Nielsen.

If your services include search engine optimization or website design, there may be sales opportunities among the small businesses in your region.

The research found an accelerating trend toward online media for local search, with 92% of searchers saying they are happy with the results they get when using search engines, though 39 percent report frequently not being able to locate a particular known business. This may mean that searchers may choose to contact a similar business with a stronger online presence.

Though less than half of small businesses do have a website, the ones that do are not happy overall with their online marketing. Among those small businesses that have a website:
  • 51 percent believe both the quality and ability of their site to acquire new customers is "fair" or "poor"
  • 78 percent believe they advertise in the same places as their competitors
  • only 7 percent of small business owners say their primary marketing goal is to get more visitors to their website
  • 61 spend fewer than three hours a week marketing their website
  • only 9 percent are satisfied with their online marketing efforts


There is some good news here, and there is even better opportunity! You still haven't missed the website or search engine bus -- but its better to hop on now with purpose than follow along later as an afterthought!!!

Our LeTip group has an entire "tech team", waiting to serve you and your website, and OMG, they are all in the same suites off of Lake Forest and Lambert:

What are you waiting for - its easy - just get online and watch your sales soar :)

1 comment:

  1. If you are a business owner in 2009 and you do not have a website that your target audience can find, talk to our OC LeTip Website Design and Optimization Specialists, Scott Garland of Media Blend and Angie Weeks of Cal Coast. They can truly help launch you into the next generation of advertising.
