Orange County Handyman
Our first speaker was Michael Sibbio our local Orange County handyman. Michael spoke about what a handyman is what handyman should be. In fact Michael used a rather clever anagram to make his point clear and concise. Michael started with the letter “H” which he stated stands for happy. The next letter, “A”, stands for always. The “N” stands for never go over estimate, While the “D” in “handy” stands for direct. When Michael use the words direct he's referring to doing all the work himself. The final letter in handy “Y”, is perhaps the most positive of all others as it stands for yes, As in yes Michael can do the job and he will be happy to do so. No matter what your Orange County plumbing needs may be, Michael's your man! Cabinet repair, installations, floors, lights, Michael does it all!
Phone: 949-300-2781
Orange County Real Estate Investing

Phone: 949-433-7187
If you're interested in a powerful networking group for 2010 come be our guest on Thursday morning at Buffalo Wild wings in Lake Forest at 7am!
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