Orange county Estate Planning Attorney

The average (Statutory) fee for probate attorneys in California is 4% of the first $100,000, 3% of the next $100,000, 2% of the next $800,000, 1% of the next $9,000,000, and so on. It racks up quickly! Save time, money, and effort by sizing down how much of your estate needs to be handled in court. Plan, prepare, and make sure that everything you can pass on to your family ends up there. Nobody likes to think about death, but good estate planning can go a long way to helping your family get the headache of dealing with an unsettled probate.
Brent's background is litigation, so he is always thinking proactively on how to keep his clients OUT of court, and this saves you money. Brent even makes house calls - contact him today to set up your will and trust! Don't be stuck filling out all that paperwork on your own. The court makes it complicated and extremely specific for a reason!
Pickelseimer Law Offices
Wills, Trusts, Probate & Related Litigation
House Calls Available By Appointment
Serving L.A. and Orange Counties, CA
Phone: 213-401-1100
Orange County Residential Realtor

Zen isn't an average agent, he gets deals DONE. Most agents close only one to two deals per year, which isn't enough to really have the knowledge and experience to serve you. Not Zen! He's constantly closing and constantly learning how to negotiate the deal in your favor. The market changes from day to day, make sure you have an agent that's right at the top.
With where interest rates are today, it's a great time to consider real estate. Call Zen now for expert advice and guidance.
Keller Williams Realty
27101 Puerta Real #150
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Phone: 949.922.2200
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