Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Permenant Make-Up, Business Coaching and Public Relations

First up we had Candace Nichols, our permanent makeup artist. Candace is one of the first Southern California permanent makeup artists. She uses the Hand Method which is a more comfortable and natural process. Candace can also help make the process much more pleasant by using numbing techniques, for those of you with a low tolerance for discomfort.

Do you have straight lashes? Candace can do eyelash perms! Do you have blond lashes? Candace can do tints! Do you have scarce brows? Candace can help thicken your eye brows! She can also work with pale lips to bring out a fuller bolder appearance.

Great leads for her are beauty salons and women, especially brides! Even men can benefit from Candace's services, as she can help remove and fix scars as well as do lash perms for the guys too!

Candace can be reached at...
Email: candacenichols17@msn.com
Phone: 949-646-5696
Cell: 562-212-2820
Web: www.beautymarksbycandace.com

Next up we had Ed Pallotta our Southern California business coach. Ed passed out a professional practice checklist. If you would like a copy just email him at ed@turnstylecoaching.com.

Ed reminded us that, if we can't leave our businesses then we really don't have a real business :(

Ed has soooo much education, ranging anywhere from law, psychology and business! Wow! Another good point he encouraged was to tell people what you want, NOT how it is.

Ed can be reached at...
Email: ed@turnstylecoaching.com
Phone: 949-743-5900
Cell: 714-420-6718
Web: www.turnstylecoaching.com

Katie Simpson, our Orange County public relations (PR) specialist was up next. She explained the difference between public relations and advertising. With advertising you determine the text and with PR you get relationships built which gives you the exposure you need to excel and build exceptional relationships!

Katie will make your business stories newsworthy, and you'll get press when you are working with them. Katie reminded us that press releases are important, but they are only one aspect of her business.

Fees are scalable and your exposure will be amazing!!! So give Katie a call or shoot her an email today and get on the right path with your public relations!

Katie can beached at
Email: ksimpson@ggcpr.com
Phone: 949-485-0469
Web: www.ggcpr.com

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