Thursday, September 18, 2008

Securring Your Family's Future & Protecting Yourself and All You've Worked For

WOW! We had so many great guests today! One of the things that makes our Orange County LeTip chapter thrive is the buzz around us. People want IN to our group because we have so much energy, and we send each other so much business. Letip rocks!

First up, we had Brent Pickelsimer, our Southern California estate planning attorney who has been practicing law for 18 years.

He likes estate planning because it helps families plan for a secure future. He's also a professional temporary judge for Los Angeles County, so Brent knows law!

He wants to get the word out to people to plan early when it comes to your estate and assets. As much as people don't like talking about it, invest in a will!

But what do you do with what's left OVER after you pass away? This is where the estate plan comes in. A word to the wise - don't do this yourself the, cheap way online. All you are doing is risking thousands to save hundreds.

Brent can do a complete plan for you for under $1000! If you won't do it for yourself, then do it for your family and your families future. Brent can also help you re-title your trusts. For more information on estate planning, call or email Brent today!

Brent can be reached at...
Phone: 213-401-1100
Fax: 213-401-1100

Angie Mitrovich, our Long Beach insurance specialist was up next!

Angie does auto, home, motorcycles, umbrella and all kinds of home and personal insurance policies. Angie passed around info on getting an umbrella policy today.

Have you had a bad claim experience? Angie can help!

Not insured? Angie can help make sure your covered so you can protect everything you've worked so hard for!

You can reach Angie Mitrovich at...
Phone: 562-987-2727 ext. 100

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