Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5 reasons why you should teach your sales staff how to social network with purpose

Hey business owners! Need more leads? Are your sales people tired of cold calling? Are you sick of catching them on Facebook all day????

Maybe its not such a bad thing after all...if you teach them how to Social Network for YOU. I know, you're skeptical. Here's 5 reasons why you should encourage it:

5. It helps your online name branding and recognition.

4. Educational tidbits or blog posts from your sales force help your company to appear as an expert in your industry or niche.

3. When sales is using the internet to educate and create dialogue, your phone bill$ are less.

2. Its easier & quicker to close a deal; social networking referrals are WARM, not cold leads.

1. They're doing it on the clock anyway, shouldn't you reap the benefit???

There are ways to stragetically Social Network and there are ways to waste time in social networks...which one is your staff focusing on?

Cal Coast is happy to come in and train your team on how to network online with purpose - just contact us today and we'll come to your office and do some training! 888-281-7665 x 2

1 comment:

  1. Cal Coast makes some valid claims. Orange County Computer recently implemented a Social Networking Program. This is a great way to reach potential clients and market to your existing customer base without the cost of printing and mailing marketing materials.
    We have received several new leads recently from our eNewsletter, Facebook and our blog. Follow our blog at: If you have business contacts that are on Facebook or Linked In, etc., you potentially have access to hundreds of new leads with little or no effort plus an instant social networking connection! What are you waiting for?
