Thursday, April 16, 2009

European Dry Cleaners, Dishon & Block and Derek Beisner!

Today's speakers started off with Bill Alvarez, with European Dry Cleaners, our Orange County dry cleaning service!

Why are they different from other dry cleaners? Well, first off they distill their chemicals and many cleaners now are trying to save money and cut corners, which can mean harm to your clothes! Not at European Dry Cleaners...

You always get a quality green clean there! Bill trains other cleaners how to wet clean clothes and is a leader in this technology as he's been using it for 12 yrs!

Your clothes get fresher and cleaner there, PLUS they do alterations and free pick up & delivery to your home or office... FREE! Convenient, dependable and environmentally conscious!

Check them out today!
Phone: 714-978-6359
Cell: 949-254-9177
Fax: 714-978-0574

Next up was our Orange County family law attorney, Carrie Block with Dishon & Block!

Carrie doesn't want us to get divorced, but does appreciate referrals and leads!

Feel a little unsure of the decision you are about to make and need a nuetral opinion? She can help!!!

Having trouble getting child support payments? Carrie can make sure your payments are made and ensure your divorce ends are all tied up so issues don't come to bite you years later. Divorce is nothing fun and can be very time comsuming, not to mention emotionally comsuming. The faster and smoother things get done, the faster you can get back to living a normal life!

Thinking of getting a divorce? Well, we hope not, but if the time has come to make a change in your marital life, then go see Carrie FIRST.

Have you been married for 10 or more years, and are possibly considering a divorce? You may want to think twice. That's considered a long term marriage and there could be lifetime support involved.

Also, if you would like your divorce mediated instead of handled in court, Carrie can also help with that.

Need your support modified? She can help! With the state of the economy, some of you may be depending on that support check.

Thinking prenuptial after reading this? Well guess what?... They can handle prenuptial agreements!

Contact Carrie today for more information or a free consultation!
Phone: 949-231-1311
Fax: 949-231-1318

Last up, our California certified mortgage planner, Derek Beisner.

Why are we in mortgage trouble? Well, there are a lot of part time lenders and fake promises present these days. You won't get that with Derek.

Derek sits down with your clients and helps them get pre-qualified, sends them to William Jordan for financial advice, and then to Zen Ziejewski to find them a home.

They will get great service. Not to mention, Derek closes 99% of his loans so don't worry, you're in good hands!

Need your mortgage adjusted? Derek can help! Did you know that interest rates are the lowest they have been since World War II?! Most renters can buy cheaper than they were renting but they just don't know... So tell a friend today!

To contact, Derek,
Phone: 949-637-9939

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